SCBA Scores
Event | Category | Team | Score | Appearance | Aroma | Tenderness | Taste | Overall |
Florence | Butts | Toes in the Sand BBQ | 15.0500 1 16.2650 |
2.500 2 2.983 |
1.717 1 1.890 |
4.633 1 4.817 |
4.533 1 4.818 |
1.667 2 1.872 |
Myrtle Beach | Butts | Toes in the Sand BBQ | 15.0200 2 16.4400 |
2.660 1 2.952 |
1.680 2 1.890 |
4.520 2 4.900 |
4.460 2 4.840 |
1.700 1 1.900 |