SCBA Scores
Event | Category | Team | Score | Appearance | Aroma | Tenderness | Taste | Overall |
Clemson | Butts | Spur of the Moment BBQ | 15.9200 1 16.3200 |
2.780 1 2.940 |
1.780 1 1.860 |
4.740 1 4.840 |
4.780 1 4.840 |
1.840 1 1.920 |
Spartanburg | Butts | Spur of the Moment BBQ | 15.5200 2 16.5200 |
2.740 2 2.960 |
1.720 2 1.840 |
4.620 2 4.940 |
4.680 2 4.840 |
1.760 2 1.940 |
Myrtle Beach | Butts | Spur of the Moment BBQ | 15.1000 3 16.4400 |
2.580 3 2.952 |
1.680 3 1.890 |
4.580 3 4.900 |
4.560 3 4.840 |
1.700 3 1.900 |