SCBA Scores
Event | Category | Team | Score | Appearance | Aroma | Tenderness | Taste | Overall |
Myrtle Beach | Butts | The War Mouth | 14.8600 1 16.4400 |
2.600 1 2.952 |
1.640 1 1.890 |
4.580 1 4.900 |
4.360 1 4.840 |
1.680 1 1.900 |
Event | Category | Team | Score | Appearance | Aroma | Tenderness | Taste | Overall |
Myrtle Beach | Butts | The War Mouth | 14.8600 1 16.4400 |
2.600 1 2.952 |
1.640 1 1.890 |
4.580 1 4.900 |
4.360 1 4.840 |
1.680 1 1.900 |